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Deepak Chauhan
Digital Business Strategist, CEO & Founder of VOCSO Technologies
Sales and Marketing | Software Development and 20 more
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Prateek Saxena
Appinventiv is a leading Android and iOS app development agency
Software Development | IT and Infrastructure and 6 more
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IPHS Technologies - Mobile App Development Company
Software & mobile app development company IPHS Technologies, offers cutting edge android, iOS
Software Development | Mobile Development
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Rentech Digital
For Business Process Automation & Efficiency | Rentech Digital⁤
Software Development | Mobile Development
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Cab Treasure
Cab Treasure dispatch system is one of the recent major advances in Car booking software
Software Development | Mobile Development
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Jhon Jeton
FireMedia is a web design and web development company in London, Ontario, Canada.
Sales and Marketing | Software Development and 8 more
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Linearloop Team
We Don’t Sell Technologies, We Build Products
Software Development | Mobile Development and 1 more
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David Andreoli
Founder & President
Sales and Marketing | Software Development and 30 more
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Precious Anusiem Anusiem
Professional software engineer and developer
Sales and Marketing | Software Development and 63 more
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Evince Development
Our core offering is IT consultancy & development, Enterprise IT solution and UI/UX design.
Software Development | IT and Infrastructure and 19 more
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