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New Relic APM Web Monitoring App

New Relic APM

by New Relic

Constantly monitoring your application so you don't have to
Suited for: Smbs
Helps with: API Tools,Bug Trackers,Development Tools,Web Monitoring
Languages: English
Similar to: Datadog App Site24x7 App ActivTrak App Librato App More...

What is it all about?

New Relic APM surfaces issues you cannot see coming, helping your team reduce resolution time so they can focus on writing new code, not troubleshooting it.


Video & screenshots


New Relic APM App Screen 0 New Relic APM App Screen 1 New Relic APM App Screen 2 New Relic APM App Screen 3

Who is it for?


Key Features

Alerting: Send email or push notifications. Integrate with PagerDuty, Campfire, HipChat, or use webhooks. Application topology map: Application's relationships to other services and the influence of each service on the others. If one service fails, you can see at a glance which other services are affected. SLA/Availability reporting: Operational reports: SLA, Availability, Scalability, Capacity, and Deployments Dashboard. Any language, On any hosting configuration Java | Ruby | .Net | PHP | Node.js | Python AWS | Heroku | and many more Team Collaboration: Makes it easy for DevOps teams to collaborate, share, and work together to solve problems. Understand your customer’s experience as it happens: Easy-to-understand, intuitive, and actionable data. You get deep visibility into server side code, database calls, and third party APIs - then tie in New Relic Browser to see client side performance. New Relic iOS or Android app. Security: - Secure Data Center - Compliance Friendly - Continuous Monitoring - Configurable Security - Secure by Default - SOC2 Audited


Feature rollouts, traffic spikes, whatever they throw at you - take it all in stride. New Relic APM allows Development and Ops teams see every aspect of an application’s environment in real-time.



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Free Edition: Available
Free Trial: Available (No Credit Card Required)
Pro Edition Starting At $149/Month

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New Relic APM


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