SigningHub E-Signature App


by Ascertia

The Most Secure Way to Sign
Suited for: Freelancers, Smbs, Enterprises, Startups, Agencies
Helps with: Document Generation,E-Signature
Languages: English, Arabic, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Danish, French, German, Indonesian, Japanese, Norwegian, Russian, Spanish, Thai, Turkish
Similar to: EchoSign App HelloSign App RightSignature App Sertifi App More...

What is it all about?

Digital signatures for your online documents. Use online document signing service provided by SigningHub. Sign your document online today and go paperless with most secure way of signing.

When you consider the cost of printing, faxing, couriers, postage, scanning, storage, searching - plus the time and opportunities lost whilst chasing paper - you will soon realize why SigningHub provided e-signatures are essential for your business needs!

Typically used for:


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Who is it for?


Key Features

• Signature Support: Digital Certificate (PKI) Signature Electronic Signature Pad Capture Handwritten Mouse Signature Standard Scripted (Typed) Signature Stored Signature Image • Document Management: Administrator Access Privileges Document Signing Notifications Document Viewing Notifications Multi-User Accounts PDF Download Realtime Activity Send Email Reminders to Signers Secure Storage • Document Signing Features: Custom Logo Branding Document Overview for Signers Handwritten Signature Default iPad Tablet Signing iPhone Mobile Signing Realtime Instruction Bar Tooltips on Text Fields • Document Sending Features: Address Book Bulk Signing Custom Branded Emails Expiration Dates Instant Document Preview iPad In-Person Signing App Multiple Signers Signer Sequencing Upload PDF, DOC, DOCX, XLS • Security & Reporting: Audit Log Biometric Signature Data Digital Checksums of Documents ESIGN Act Compliance Signature Certificate Signer and Session Data Capture SSL Data Encryption UETA Compliance


• Legal weight Electronic Signings: SigningHub complies with legislation and regulations concerning digital/electronic signing: EU Directive on Electronic Signatures EU Qualified Signatures US E-Sign Act HIPAA SOX FDA’s 21 CFR Part 11 UETA (Uniform Electronic Commerce Act) GPEA (Government Paperwork Elimination Act) Can be used with industry credentials e.g. Adobe CDS®, SAFE-BioPharma. • Strong security: Advanced cryptographically-created electronic signing (not just e-signatures images). Independently validate that signed document have not been tampered with Strong non-repudiation by using keys under the sole control of the signer. Multi-factor authentication before signing (OTP, smartcards, tokens, username/passwords). Time-stamped enhanced signatures which can be verified in the long-term (PAdES). Able to use Secure Signature Creation Devices (SSCD) and thus produce qualified signatures. • Cut cost and Go green with us More than just buying the paper, also add: Printing/photocopying costs Delivery costs (mail, fax, courier, internal) Scanning costs Storage costs Disposal costs SigningHub will be a fraction of your paper costs. • Customer satisfaction: Easy to use web interface Simple click and sign signature fields Zero footprint, just need a browser Group signing, delegated signing and simple document tracking Wait for the amazing feedback you will get from your customers!



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