OfficeBooks Supply Chain Management App


by OfficeBooks

Stop being late! Boost Sales. Grow Your Brand
Suited for: Smbs, Enterprises
Helps with: Billing and Invoicing,Business Process Management,Supply Cha ...
Languages: English
Similar to: Procurify App Khareed Prism Procurement App SupplyOn App SutiProcure App More...

What is it all about?

OfficeBooks is a simple web based business management application optimized for distributors and manufacturing. Whether you hold inventory or not, OfficeBooks automates your purchase, sales and work orders generation - leaving you free to build your business.
Our focus is on enabling our customers to take charge of their day and get things done.

Video & screenshots


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Who is it for?


Key Features

Inventory Control : Adjust your inventory automatically when anything is purchased, built or sold. Real-time inventory data, complete with current requirements to buy or build more inventory is available to everyone in your company. - Integrated : Creating work orders is a one-click process. If sub-components are required then OfficeBooks lets you know that you need to purchase them. - Automated : Set minimums (re-order triggers). Economic Order Quantities (minimum order quantities). Sales & Quotes : create a professional looking quotation. Instead of using a spreadsheet or word processor to generate quotes, you can benefit from the integrated contact and inventory data within your OfficeBooks account and avoid duplicating data entry efforts. - Professional Quotes : OfficeBooks sends your quotations to your customers by email. They can review and accept your order online and you’ll get instant email notification. - Reduced Data Entry : Simply verify the details against your quotation, and convert the quote into a sale. - Sales Drive Action : Once a sale is released, the alerts system kicks in to ensure everyone on your team knows what they need to do to fulfill the order. - No Loose Ends : Ready to ship your order? OfficeBooks handles all the inventory adjustments for you, provides a packing list to attach to your shipment, and prompts you to issue an invoice. Purchase orders : Get professional looking purchase orders complete with your company logo and terms and conditions. Accept credit cards : Within minutes of creating your OfficeBooks account you can start accepting credit card payments from your customers. Contact management : OfficeBooks keeps all your contacts on the same list. Customers, suppliers, staff - all in the same place for quick and easy access. You can get started quickly by importing contacts from MS Excel, or GMail. Reports: Offers an ever growing list of reports to help you monitor your business performance. We're always looking for new report ideas - so if we don't already have the reporting you need, just suggest a new report! - Flexible : All reports can be run over a date range you define and can be exported in many formats including MS Excel, PDF, and HTML. Outstanding support : We pride ourselves on being incredibly responsive to support requests. Helping users is fun and we gladly jump off the couch on a Sunday afternoon to reply to a question.


Stop being late! Solve on time delivery issues : A well implemented inventory control system like OfficeBooks can help you eliminate the factors that cause you to be late with shipments Boost Sales : Let OfficeBooks handle the details, from quotes to credit card processing. Grow your brand : OfficeBooks builds your brand by standardizing your outward facing documentation (purchase orders, quotations, invoices, etc) and by making your data available to your whole team so they can all help customers.



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