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HackEDU Secure Development Training Vulnerability Management App

HackEDU Secure Development Training

by HackEDU

Interactive Secure Development Training
Suited for: Smbs, Enterprises, Startups
Helps with: Data Security,Mobile Data Security,Testing and Analytics,Vul ...
Languages: English, Arabic, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Taiwanese, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian
Similar to: Trust Guard App ZeroFox App Tinfoil Security App Castle App More...

What is it all about?

HackEDU offers interactive Secure Development Training that is effective, has high developer engagement, and lowers the risk of vulnerabilities in code. HackEDU uses offensive security training as well as defensive instruction to help software developers write safer code.
This approach is both more effective than defensive only methods and keeps developers engaged. Developers improve their ability to write secure software and boosts their understanding of how software systems are hacked.

Video & screenshots


HackEDU Secure Development Training App Screen 0

Who is it for?


Key Features

The training is all online and can be rolled out according to a schedule that works best for your business. Have developers take the training all at once or roll out the training over several months. Covers OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities plus additional important vulnerabilities.


Interactive, hands-on and exercises around real applications it is not a simulation - This drives high developer engagement Browser based - No setup time Offensive based training - More effective at reducing vulnerabilities than defensive training alone Effective at reducing vulnerabilities - Saves time in deploying production code Schedule training to fit your needs - Won’t disrupt your roadmap Software patching in multiple languages - flexible enough to work with a variety of teams 4.4x ROI



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We charge per developer and give access to all of the training for up to 1 year.

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HackEDU Secure Development Training

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