Trust Guard Vulnerability Management App

Trust Guard

by Trust Guard

Protect your site make more money
Suited for: Smbs
Helps with: Vulnerability Management
Languages: English
Similar to: ZeroFox App Tinfoil Security App Castle App Accountable App More...

What is it all about?

When visitors see that a reliable 3rd party has scanned, evaluated, and verified your website, their concerns are quickly resolved. This builds Trust and credibility so more of your hard earned visitors take action, and you (with your big smile) make more sales! We are so confident that you will see results, that we have remove all risk with our unprecedented 60 Day, Double Your Money Back Guarantee!

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Who is it for?


Key Features

PCI Compliance made easy PCI (Payment Card Industry) scanning involves having a PCI ASV (Approved Scanning Vendor) scan any and all IP addresses that the public has access to, related to your website’s transaction process. Trust Guard provides PCI compliant scanning services to protect your website which include web application, network and port scanning. We now scans your site for over 62,778 vulnerabilities, and provide all the tools you need to become PCI compliant. Become PCI Compliant with Trust Guard PCI Scanning.


Turn more shoppers into buyers with the Trust Guard trust mark. Most of our merchants see an increase in conversion of 12% and a decrease in shopping cart abandonment. We also offer a 3x double your money back guarantee. If you don't see an increase in conversion we will give you 3x your money back.



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Starting At $9\Month

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